Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive Terms and Conditions 2024

The following terms and conditions apply to all bookings made for the Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive 2024. These terms and conditions apply to contracts made between the Queer Yeshiva and each individual participant on the intensive.

1. General Terms and Conditions

1.1. Although Queer Yeshiva takes all reasonable steps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of participants at the Summer Intensive, participants participate at their own risk. 

1.2. Queer Yeshiva cannot accept liability for the loss or damage of any property belonging to a participant, and any property brought to the Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive by a participant is at your own risk.

1.3. Queer Yeshiva recommends all participants to have their own insurance policy for the duration of the Summer Intensive to cover any loss, theft, medical, travel issue and beyond as Queer Yeshiva’s insurance will likely not cover this.

1.4. All participants must abide by the Queer Yeshiva’s values and comply with our policies on harm, including not taking drugs or alcohol during the programme and taking part in a teshuvah [repentence] process if deemed necessary by the Roshim [heads]. The Queer Yeshiva reserves the right to remove participants who do not comply with processes and/or who are deemed to be harmful to other participants.

1.5. Participants will be liable for the full cost of any damage caused to any property by themselves.

1.6. We will always endeavour to provide the advertised programme for the Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive but reserve the right to change the programme without notice if necessary.

1.7. Please note that completing a booking form does not guarantee a participant’s place on the Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive. Queer Yeshiva has the right to refuse applications and reserves the right to cancel a participant’s place on the Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive at any time.

1.8. Queer Yeshiva will not offer refunds in the event of the participant not participating or ceasing to participate in the Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive following any breach of these terms and conditions.

1.9. Full and final payment must be received, or a payment plan agreed by Queer Yeshiva, two months before the start of the Summer Intensive, namely by 25th June 2025, unless specific alternative payment arrangements have been agreed with Queer Yeshiva.

1.10. If full payment has not been received, and no alternative payment arrangements agreed, Queer Yeshiva reserves the right to refuse participation to the participant.  Subject to the cancellation provisions below, full payment will still be due.

2. Deposits, Payment and Cancellation

2.1. If the Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive cannot go ahead for any reason, Queer Yeshiva does not guarantee a full refund but will use its reasonable endeavours to refund all monies paid, less any sums paid to third parties by way of deposit or other payment which Queer Yeshiva is unable to recover, having taken reasonable efforts.

2.2. Covid-19 Related Cancellation

2.2.1 At the time of sign up, the indication is that residential Summer programmes will be able to take place. However should Queer Yeshiva need to cancel the Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive or any part of the programme, whether due to Covid-19 or for any other reason beyond its reasonable control, Queer Yeshiva will use its reasonable endeavours to refund all monies paid, less any sums paid to third parties by way of deposit or other payment which Queer Yeshiva is unable to recover, having taken reasonable efforts

2.3. If a participant cancels their place at the Summer Intensive for any reason:

2.4 The participant must notify Queer Yeshiva in writing. A notice of cancellation will only take effect when it is received in writing by Queer Yeshiva and receipt is confirmed by return. It will be effective from the date on which it is received by Queer Yeshiva. 

2.5 Since Queer Yeshiva may incur costs in cancelling any booking, notwithstanding any other terms, the participant will have to pay the applicable cancellation charges up to the maximum shown below. 

2.6 If a participant cancels a booking for the Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive:

2.6.1 Over 3 calendar months (92 days) before the start date for the Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive - the cancellation charge will be any expenses incurred by Queer Yeshiva and not recovered.

2.6.2 2-3 months (62-91 days) before the start date for the Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive – the cancellation charge will be 50% of the full price payable plus any expenses incurred by Queer Yeshiva and not recovered.

2.6.3 Any time less than 2 months (61 days or less) before the start date for the Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive – the cancellation charge will be 100% of the full price payable; any refund will be given only at Queer Yeshiva’s absolute discretion.

2.7 Queer Yeshiva will deduct the cancellation charge(s) from any monies already paid and will may require payments to be made to cover the cancellation costs, if this money had not yet been received at time of cancellation.

2.8 If the reason for a cancellation is covered under the terms of a participant’s private insurance policy, the participant may be able to reclaim these charges from their insurer.

2.9 If Queer Yeshiva has to cancel or make major or significant changes to the Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive, Queer Yeshiva will notify a participant as soon as possible and if there is time to do so before departure, Queer Yeshiva will offer the participant the choice of:

2.9.1 accepting the changed arrangements and attending Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive;

2.9.2 having a refund of all monies paid that Queer Yeshiva has been able to reclaim, and not attending Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive.

3. Covid-19 – Special Terms and Conditions

3.1. Queer Yeshiva cannot guarantee any refunds of participation fees if a participant is unable to attend the Summer Intensive due to their own or any other person's illness or isolation due to Covid-19 or related guidelines.  In these terms and conditions, we use the term “Covid-19” to refer both to Covid-19 and any other epidemic or pandemic or other public health issue that Queer Yeshiva considers to be serious..

3.2. Queer Yeshiva will endeavour to retrieve any money paid to third parties if the participant cannot attend due to Covid-19 or isolation, however we cannot guarantee a refund. 

3.3. All the Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive programming will be in line with and adhere to all government national and local Covid-19 guidelines.

3.4. Queer Yeshiva has the right to enforce any new Covid-19 regulations in order to be in line with government regulation and guidelines and protect the health and wellbeing of all participants.

3.5. Should a participant develop symptoms of Covid-19 during or following a Queer Yeshiva event, Queer Yeshiva will not be liable for the participant developing Covid-19 or for any costs and expenses associated with the participant's care.

3.6 Should a participant choose to test for Covid-19 anytime during Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive and their test is positive, they will no longer be able to attend event programming or use Queer Yeshiva organised group transport.

3.7 Any participant who tests positive for Covid-19 during Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive will be responsible for arranging their own safe and responsible transport home from the event, and is required to vacate the site no later than the end of Queer Yeshiva’s booking at the event site. 

3.8 All costs associated with alternative and additional transport and arrangements required due to a positive Covid-19 test during Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive are the responsibility of the participant who has tested positive.

3.9 Queer Yeshiva will endeavour to support any participant who tests positive for Covid-19 during Queer Yeshiva Summer Intensive in regards to logistics, transport and wellbeing but Queer Yeshiva is not obligated to do so.